Dear Parents,
Field Elementary School has always pledged to create a safe and caring environment for all students. In an effort to continue to improve our school climate, our staff has worked together researching a system called Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). This is not a program, it is a 3 tiered approach to decreasing disruptive behaviors and increasing student success and achievement. Our system is based on our three basic rules of Be Safe, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible. We have created a matrix of just what this behavior would look like for students when they are in their classroom, in the cafeteria, in the fields, at recess, and at gym. Posters of this behavior are in these areas and teachers have committed to teaching their students the positive behaviors they are expected to demonstrate at school. The Field Behavior Matrix is attached to this webpage.
Additionally, each grade level is implementing a behavior management system for their grade level to use to ensure consistency. Student misconduct is divided into major and minor offenses. Minor offenses are handled by the classroom teacher, and major offenses are referred to the office. Students will be held accountable for good behavior demonstrated everywhere and negative behavior will not be ignored. First, we will re-teach the expectations to the student(s) who are not meeting our stated expectations. We will work to help students modify negative behaviors with program interventions. If the interventions are not successful, there will be consequences for their behavior.
It is very important to recognize students for their positive behavior. We encourage students through the slogan, “Field Falcons Soar on Wings of Safety, Respect, and Responsibility!” Teachers and staff hand out tickets to students who follow the Behavior Matrix and demonstrate positive behavior. The tickets go into drawings each week. Additionally, we will hold a celebration monthly and award prizes quarterly. Students will also be recognized at our Pride assemblies.
Please take some time to review with your child the positive behavior expectations described on the Behavior Matrix. Ask questions to make sure s/he understands the expectations in different places around the school. Encourage your child to Be Safe, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible.
The Field staff appreciates your continued support and involvement in our shared goal of a safe and caring learning environment.